Regarding automation, the selection of materials and their properties is of utmost importance for machine components. Due to the wide range of operating conditions, manufacturers of cable conveyor systems must carefully evaluate their product portfolio and determine whether to focus on specific types or diversify. The decision of which product and material to use in machine and automation applications greatly depends on the specific operating conditions, with no one-size-fits-all solution as each material has its functional limitations.
Choosing the right material is crucial for the optimal performance of machine components. With various operating conditions, manufacturers of cable conveyor systems must analyze their product options carefully. Depending on the specific conditions, different materials offer varying functional benefits, making it necessary to select the most suitable option for each application.
To find the most suitable solution for their needs, customers prioritize specific criteria while evaluating supplier proposals based on technical specifications, material properties, and commercial considerations. Customers need to prioritize specific criteria when evaluating supplier proposals to ensure they find the most suitable solution for their needs. These criteria might include technical specifications, material properties, and commercial considerations.
50 years ago, the available options were limited. However, over time, advances in material properties have made plastic cable conveyors a viable alternative to steel. This has resulted in faster, lighter, and more cost-effective systems. Still, certain applications cannot be achieved with plastics. Some materials are not suitable for mass production in machine production, while others have limitations due to their chemical composition.
Steel is the preferred choice for applications that involve high mechanical loads, long travel distances, heavyweight, high temperatures, or radiation. Deciding on the best material can be a complex process, taking into consideration factors such as operation conditions, available options, and cost versus downtime. This can be a challenging task for many users, as specialized knowledge in this area may be lacking.
Therefore, design engineers often seek development partners with extensive expertise and a wide range of product offerings. Plastic and steel cable conveyors both have specific benefits, but choosing the right material for your specific application can be a daunting task. With advances in material properties over the years, plastic has become a viable alternative to steel, resulting in faster, lighter, and more cost-effective systems in many cases.
However, in applications involving high mechanical loads, long travel distances, heavyweight, high temperatures, or radiation, steel remains the preferred choice. This can make the decision-making process complex, as various factors such as operation conditions, available options, and cost versus downtime need to be considered. To ensure the best results, it may be beneficial to consult with experienced development partners with a wide range of product offerings and specialized knowledge in this area.